Wānaka Food Bank expands to meet growing demand

Publish Date
Wednesday, 28 August 2024, 10:59AM
By Media Release

Wānaka’s Community Link Food bank is expanding its hours on a Friday, on an ongoing basis, to meet growing demand from the community headed into the weekend.  

Families are struggling and increasingly turning to the Wānaka Community Link food security group for a helping hand. As the need has steadily grown over the winter period the food bank has seen demand increase by 56% and helps families supplement their own pantries” according to Yvonne Walker the Foodbank coordinator. This year 1330 people have received food support. 

“To continue to meet the demand we’ve increased the hours of the food bank on a Friday and are now open from 9am to 3pm just so we can help the growing number of families each week who come to the Community Hub for help”.  

The increase in demand is also putting pressure on the existing food bank which is bulging at the seams just to meet the current demand.  If demand continues Community Link may need to look at expanding its operation further and expand its storage facility  

Community Link Manager Kate Murray described the situation as concerning "These are people that are teaching your children, that are caring for your parents, that are in the construction industry. These are families with two parents working and earning decent incomes that are struggling to get by, and even with the increased hours we are scratching the surface of the need". 

The foodbank's fridge and shelves are stacked with grocery items, produce and meals donated by local residents, community gardens and community groups like Good Bitches Baking, Food for Love, or rescued by KiwiHarvest, who comes over the hill from Queenstown on a Tuesday to do the rounds of Wānaka supermarkets and food outlets. 

With the higher cost of living in Wānaka and lack of affordable housing, pushing up rental rates and property values along with the population increases Community Link doesn’t expect to see a slowing down in community need anytime soon.  

The Food Bank Hours  


Monday: 1pm – 4pm 

Tuesday:  8am - 9am and 5pm - 6pm  

Wednesday: 10am – 2pm  

Friday: 9am- 3pm  


For more information, please contact: Kate Murray kate@communitylink.nz 

About Community Link  https://www.communitynetworks.co.nz

Community LINK is the Upper Clutha's one-stop community support and connection centre, supporting our growing community across the full welfare spectrum. We work to provide information and support; connect and collaborate; and build resilient community through development projects and cross-sector collaboration. 


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